Sunday, November 21, 2010

037 boy's club

When I was younger, I would joke around with my dad how I was the son he never had. I'd rake the leaves, take out the trash, mow the lawn...I'd basically help out with any "manly" chores that my physique was capable of handling. During this short period in my life, I would often feel sad that my dad was stuck with me as his only child and that I wouldn't be able to carry on the family name for my dad or be that "son" he never would have. There are instances even today where I'd think it would be better to be a boy. No hassle of periods, child birth, being looked down upon in the workforce, etc.

This semester, I've been spending a lot of time with my Rho Pi Phi brothers down the hall from me. The picture to the left is of them and me at our annual Christgiving Potluck. I like to study there and ask them questions about life. One of them asked me, "Why do you always come here?" And I defensively answered, "Because I enjoy the environment and your company". It's come to the point where one of my bros said that I was part of the boy's club. I really do enjoy the sound of that and I am not sure if it's because of that wishful longing to be a boy when I was younger or the fact that it feels nice to pretend they are the real brothers I never would have had.

But then I remember how good I have it as a woman, of what God knit me to be in my mother's womb. Like with many things in life, I have come to terms with my double X chromosomes. I admit, I am a Daddy's Girl and I wouldn't have it any other way.
To the right is a picture of our womanly apartment (finally!) at our fraternity mixer. I really love them.


Khanh said...

When I asked you why you were always over, I didn't mean for it to be a malicious statement. You're always welcomed to come over and hang out with the Boys.

Joline said...

That dress looks like that dress you wore to the semi formal in 7th grade.... yes...?? XDD lol. awesome.

Jaclynn Jones said...


Also nice outfit. Wonder who's closet you got it from.