Thursday, October 28, 2010


Dr. Jasti teaches a portion of our PHRM 114 class and the content of his lectures mainly consist of drug history, patenting, formulation etc. In his words, "The topic is rather dry, but I'll do my best to juice it up, ok?"

One of the ways he's attempted to liven up the class is through the use of an online tool called Poll Everywhere. You basically text or instant message an answer to the corresponding number that is given on the screen and the class can instantly see the results. On the first day, Dr. Jasti made an open poll where the class could submit ANY answer. After that, he stuck to 4 multiple choice. Haha, pharm students are so mature...

I would really like to see Dr. Jasti teach me how to dougie.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


White-Asian-Egyptian-Roommate is a name one of my roommates lovingly calls me at least once a day. The white is in reference to my pale skin, the Asian is, well, I’m Asian, and the Egyptian has been recently added due to my frequency of talking in Arabic and love for Egyptian food.

I love how culturally diverse my apartment is. And yes Jaclynn, white people have culture too. And I love being Vietnamese-Chinese and I’ve come a long way in embracing this.

In 2007, I went to Kentucky for a mission trip. The area where my team was specifically serving lacked much ethnic diversity. I remember spending time with our family, the Burchettes, and their son Jake, I forgot his age but he was pretty young.

“Are you from China?” Jake randomly asked me one time in his Kentucky accent. I told him no and that I was born and raised in California.

“But you look Chinese! How can that be possible?” He replied. I explained to him how my parents immigrated over and blah blah blah. I then asked him what his ethnicity was and after some explaining of what “ethnicity” meant, he turned to me and proudly said, “I’M KENTUCKY!”

This story brings a smile to my face each time I think about it and I admire Jake’s boldness in embracing his “ethnicity”.
For the longest time I was not able to embrace my identity as being Vietnamese and Chinese. When people would ask about it, I would quickly mutter “Vietnamese” and emphasize the “Chinese”. I remember one time in high school, a friend was listing all the “admirable” contributions of each major Asian country. For example, South Korea has awesome TV dramas, China’s ballads, Japan’s anime, etc. Yes, it was a shallow observation looking retrospectively. Anyway, she asked me what Vietnam had to offer and I didn’t know except for the stereotypical, “nails”. I was ashamed of being Vietnamese because of the embarrassing stereotype of poor Vietnamese immigrants of only being qualified to handle manicures and pedicures, even more so because my mom did nails as a part time job to support herself and her growing family. I, sadly, rejected the “Vietnamese” in me.

I have come to realize that the beautiful struggle my parents went through is not something to be ashamed of. To be ashamed of this past is to discredit the effort and hardships they put forth in order to be where they are today. My mom no longer does nails but is a quality engineer and manager for a tech company. I’m very proud. And just like how Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, I am now able to look at the art of nails with great humility, pride, and respect. I’m not comparing my mom to Jesus but I want to say that she has great humility. And humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking yourself as less than others.
Hi, my name is Antoinette. I’m not white, Egyptian, Native American, or Filipino. I’m Vietnamese and Chinese.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


An update on life: Ah yes, so I survived my first set of pharmacy midterms and it was amazing. No straight A's but I'm trying my best. I've had lots of ideas for comics but I haven't had time to transcribe them down. My friend Stacey from Georgia came out to visit me and friends during her fall break. Participated in a diabetes walk around the same time. Had a military full physical and that was an uncomfortable and new experience haha. Participated in a health fair where I consulted people on OTC drugs - so exciting! Oh, I also saw Maroon 5, One Republic, and Bruno Mars in concert at the Arco Arena last Friday. They were pretty much amazing. Afterwards, chillaxed with my favorite socal Egyptian brothers, ate homemade koshouri and watched Sing'n in the Rain. Those are some highlights of the past two weeks minus a lot. El7aya kwaysa! (that's "life is good" in Arabic)

I've had so many thoughts running through my head and I want to write them down! Mainly on ethnicity, fears, my lovely roommates, and vivid dreams. I'll get to it within the next few days hopefully.

Currently in Mariham's room doing some review for biochem. She's painting a big ole icon of Saint Demiana. It's really beautiful. I'm going to start up painting again this Thursday.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

032 triboob

This past Sunday, upon waking up and taking a shower, I discovered a large red bump on my chest that is slightly to the left over my heart. At first, I thought it was a huge pimple and after allowing one of my classmates to examine it, she exclaimed, "It looks like a third boob". Great.

I'm sitting in the living room right now, careful not to move around too much because whenever the fabric of my shirt grazes my third boob, it stings and starts to itch. It's beginning to look like a bulls-eye mark and it is slightly aggravating to the touch. My roommate told me it was more likely a spider bite than a pimple and I think I would have to agree with her. Once midterms are over, I am definitely going to wash my sheets.

Also, this past Saturday, I went to see "Waiting for Superman" which is a documentary on the failing public education system in America. My heart broke for those children and their families. It is a very powerful movie. Afterwards, John Legend answered a few questions on education in America and his musical career followed by a solo performance of about 6-7 songs. He is absolutely amazing live. I am definitely going to buy his new album once this week is over. Why are black men so sexy, especially those who are talented and fight for causes? Dreeeeamy siiiigh

---> Edit (10.10.10)
So I bought John Legend's Wake Up! album and it is great! I was never a huge fan of his earlier works because it seemed that all he sang about was cheating on a girl and being horny but this new album is so much more mature in content. It might be a stretch, but I would almost put it up there with Lauryn Hill's "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill". Been listening to it nonstop this past weekend.