Today was my last day of community IPPE and it was so bittersweet. It is amazing how 160 hours have flown by so quickly yet so slowly at the same time. Even though it was my last day, Gregg wasn't even there. So I will have to drive back up to get my affidavit signed anyway. A Pacific alum named Chris was the RPh for the day. He had tattoos all over his arms and showed me pictures of his other tattoos on his chest too. If you could imagine what a pharmacist should look like, he definitely was not that.
Chris is quite the chatterbox as well. I am pretty sure he broke some sort of confidentiality while divulging his nephew's personal life to me who I so happen to know. When we weren't talking about pharmacy, our conversations dabbled in music, raising a family, religion, and Dr. Floriddia.
Even more impressive, I was able to have these conversations while filling AND making calls...LIKE A BOSS. I felt my last day was a good way to end my last days at the Laguna Blvd CVS. I will miss you Gregg, Gordon, Crystal, Carla, Ronish, and Cindy. You guys make an amazing pharmacy team and I have learned so much from all of you.
I will be heading into my geriatrics IPPE next semester which I am looking forward too but I know it will present its own unique challenges. My friend Daniel, who just finished his geriatrics IPPE, told me a depressing story on his last day. He was talking with one of the nurses and a patient comes in asking where his wife was. The nurse calmly replied, "Remember, she passed away?" He had forgotten that his wife has died just a few weeks before. That story just breaks my heart and I really hope I will have the strength to stay positive.