This Sunday I went to my first Christmas church service at Sugar Creek in Texas. Not saying I haven't attended a Christmas service before, but this year, Christmas fell on a Sunday. There was a lot of singing, praise was infused with classic Christmas songs, prose, special performances and the pastor gave the message. I don't even remember the pastor's name and am embarrassed to say I don't remember much of the message either but it was probably about the nativity scene.
A duet came on the stage and sang this song. The lyrics are about how Christ could have had the choice to enter the world with all pomp and circumstance - all of heaven's power at his fingertips! He could have descended upon us like a rushing wind, a furious storm, or a blazing fire but no, Christ came like a winter slow, quiet, soft and slow in the form of a baby. One of us. Grace came to us in the night, nestled in a manger. It's really beautiful when I think about it. A powerful, awe-inspiring being, God in the flesh, reduced to the form of a crying babe to be with us and to save us. Light finally came to scatter the shadows.
We ended the service by candlelight. There was probably close to 500 of us in that room each holding a small lit candle singing "Silent Night". The scene was very still and quiet like a winter snow.