Friday, December 17, 2010


Just came back from China, where there is a 14 hour time difference and I am jet-lagged like woah.

Have you ever experienced two extremes? In Egypt, I faced over 100 degree weather everyday and probably sweat buckets by the end of the day. In Beijing, it was well below zero degrees (-15 C) at the Great Wall. Ice crystals would form on my peer's eyelashes because it was so cold.

To appreciate one thing, like heat, you need to experience cold, or the absence of heat. To experience true joy, you need to know what true sorrow is. Even a little bit of each is good. Like the saying goes, "what goes up must come down" and vice versa. I believe in constant growth. I see these hills, valleys, and plateaus and I want to overcome them.

That's me on the Great Wall of China in below zero weather, feeling quite joyful.

1 comment:

Jasmine K. said...

LOVE the hat!! And hey I know that jacket :D Glad you got to wear it!