Matthew 3:13-16Today is my second birthday because I made the choice to be baptized at my church in Stockton. The first church that I went to when I started college. The first church where I didn't have to ask for the approval of my parents if I could attend. My freshman small group leaders were there to immerse me in the waters. I can't even articulate the immense joy that I felt as I was raised out of the waters. My best friend came up the night before to spend time with me for a few short hours. My parents and friends who live almost 2 hours away, woke up early to drive all the way to Stockton to come and celebrate with me. My friend, who doesn't even believe in God came. People even told me the great extent at what they had to do so they could come and see. I was asked to share a brief testimony and why I chose to be baptized. I definitely was crying and still crying as I entered the waters. When did I become such a cry baby? haha I'm incredibly blessed to be surrounded by friends and family like these but even more blessed to have a Creator who would look upon me and tell me that He is well pleased.Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to John, to be baptized by him. John would have prevented him, saying, "I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?" But Jesus answered him, "Let it be so now; for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Then he consented. And when Jesus was baptized, he went up immediately from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him; and lo, a voice from heaven, saying, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
Sunday, January 30, 2011
051 my baptism
Saturday, January 29, 2011
The convenient thing about keeping a blog about my life, pharmacy experience, and everything in between is that I am required to turn in a reflection about my IPPE experience once I am done with my 80 hours this semester. Today marks my 30th hour of pharmacy experience. Gregg was not present so I felt much more relaxed. Gordon was the pharmacist for today and I realize he is much more of a pleasant person to be around. I did a consultation, made lots of phone calls, and dispensed for most of the day. So nice and relaxing. I feel like I am learning the intricacies of the CVS system better. Learned that Gordon is Mormon. He also played basketball and football in high school.
I'm getting over my paranoia of making phone calls to patients. Now that I actually know how to use the computers, there's less fear of sounding like an idiot on the phone.
At CVS, they have continuing education for the pharmacists almost every two months. Gordon didn't seem too pleased to be doing it during the slow hours.
My eyes get really dry after working a full 8 hours. Also, my car hydroplaned off the freeway entrance and my right headlight is totally blown out along with some ugly scratches on the nose of my car. It didn't help that the car kept making suspicious noises throughout the 30+ mile drive and my phone battery died. Sad times.
Monday, January 24, 2011
January must be the month to blog for me because I have been pretty consistent this past week. Today I am celebrating my 2nd day of being 22. I realize that my past two entries have been about my birthday, which may seem like I am making more of a big hoopla over being 22 than I should have when I turned 21. Which isn't the case. I celebrate my 22nd year with such enthusiasm because my 21st year following up to my 22nd was so freaking amazing. When I look back this year, I think "Damn, I did good". The equivalent of my feelings right now would be close to graduating or the completion of a masterpiece.
I thank God for giving me His unlimited strength to work, pledge, and make the decision to break up with my boyfriend.
I thank God for showing me His wonders by letting me globetrot to four different continents.
I thank God for revealing Himself in people I should aspire to be more like and to pursue.
I thank God for surrounding me in fertile soil so that I may be constantly growing.
I thank God everyday.
A couple of days ago I asked a friend who recently turned 22 as well how it felt to be another year older. He begrudgingly replied, "There's nothing to look forward to anymore. Twenty-one was IT." His response made me sad because I wish he would have lived his 21st year like it was his birthday everyday (minus the alcohol). This year is my golden year and I am going to live it like it is.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Today is my golden birthday and it has been a glorious day. I am so thankful for the amazing company, calls, texts, and messages that I have received today and even more grateful for the friendships and experiences these have filled these past twenty-two years.
Twenty-one was an AMAZING age for me and I know twenty-two will be just the same. WOOHOO!
Friday, January 21, 2011

When it comes to food, a saying that I enjoy living by is "Don't knock it before you try it" profoundly said by my good friend Harrison. I have tried many a-wonderful foods because of this saying. Take this picture of a casserole my roommate made for me as seen above. Last year, Jaclynn had asked me if I wanted to try some casserole she made out of bacon, tater tots, cheddar cheese and eggs. I disgustingly said, "I don't eat casseroles" but I reluctantly tried it anyway. As I bit into this heart-attack-in-a-casserole, I was sent into a paradise of cheddar cheese waterfalls, prancing bacon ponies, and potato fields that shimmered in the shining sun. Yah, it was damn delicious.
This year, I asked her to make the casserole again for my 22nd birthday. Much to my delight, after a short morning of classes, I come back greeted by the savory aroma of delicious casserole. Never again will I hate on food that I haven't tried.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
"There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:"Ecclesiastes 3:1
This place is so temporary. I've been blessed, for the most part, with amazing roommates since day one at college. I've heard of the saying, "Because you can never have too much of a good thing" and in this case, it either kills you or is taken away from you someway, somehow. This is me being selfish because I know these circumstances will lead them to greater heights but I cannot help but already miss them even though two of them are still here. Thinking out loud, I wish we both shared a love for pharmacy, I wish we both passed PHRM113, I wish I had all the money in the world to pay for your housing. I am wishing for many things right now.
Sunday, January 16, 2011

-----> edit
On my second day of interning, my preceptor asked me a PK question: "Out of the three male erectile dysfunctional (ED) drugs, which one has the greatest bioavailability and half life?" Out of Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, Cialis is the winner with a half life of up to 17.5 hours. It's effects can last up to 36 hours! I even filled Cialis today in the pharmacy. Amazing.
Friday, January 14, 2011

I've also noticed that my comics are slowly showing more personality than the usual formless blobmen that I draw. Hurray for creativity!
Sunday, January 09, 2011

Also, yesterday was my first day of IPPEs at CVS Pharmacy in Elk Grove. My preceptor, Gregg, is a man jaded by the evils of CVS. Despite his less than optimistic outlook for the future of his pharmacy, his stern and strict attitude is going to keep me on my toes and I have a feeling my experience in a real pharmacy setting will be positive. First day, I got to do everything: work the register, scan waiting bins, dispense prescription, administer flu shots, guide customers around the OTC section, I even would have had the opportunity to consult if I was more confident in my abilities - but for now, I am going to listen and learn.
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Bye-bye 2010 and hello 2011!
What a great way to greet the new year.
Guess who spent their new years at the happiest place on earth? That's right, I did. The last time I went to Disneyland was my senior year in high school and I thought that after that, I was too old to enjoy the magic of Disney. I was so terribly wrong. The feelings of adventure and excitement were the same as when I was thirteen as I drove through the Temple of Doom with Indiana Jones. Giddy-ness and laughter radiated from my face as I went to meet Flynn Rider aka Eugene Fitzherbert from Tangled. My chest puffed in victory as I beat my cousin in midway games. Tears filled my eyes as I basked in the wonderful glow of the World of Color water show. Disney, you never cease to amaze me.
I can't believe that I had lost faith in Disney when I just had lost faith in my imagination.
I am going to quote my cousin right now because his words are my thoughts exactly:
Disney embraces all the values that should be promoted in life. Disney pushes us to follow our hearts and always try to achieve our dreams. For those who hate on Disney, you must lead a sad life indeed because there never has been more of a happy place than Disneyland. - Steven
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