Sunday, January 16, 2011


My preceptor's name at my IPPE site is Gregg. Note the extra "g" at the end of his name. I guess his parents wanted to be original by adding an extra letter. It must be annoying correcting people when they mispell Gregg as Greg. When I see the name "Gregg", all I think of is an angry egg. GRRRRR-egg.

-----> edit
On my second day of interning, my preceptor asked me a PK question: "Out of the three male erectile dysfunctional (ED) drugs, which one has the greatest bioavailability and half life?" Out of Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis, Cialis is the winner with a half life of up to 17.5 hours. It's effects can last up to 36 hours! I even filled Cialis today in the pharmacy. Amazing.

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