Over the course of my college career, I have noticed that I have become bloated and unpleasant whenever I consume milk products. And when I do, about an hour later I am running to the bathroom atop the porcelain queen in super saiyan mode. You could say that I have built up a mild case of
lactose intolerance. I drank milk all the time when I was younger and it baffles me why it is such a problem now. If the enzymes required to break down lactose existed before, I am pretty sure they lie dormant somewhere in my body. A genetics book could explain this phenomenon but I'd rather experiment. This past week I have been chugging down milk in order to induce the enzyme lactase to reform in my body. It hasn't been so bad because I gradually drank milk in small quantities this past semester. This one time I ordered a small mocha, forgetting that they put milk in it, and within the hour, I ran out of the lecture to the bathroom. The funny thing is, my professor was talking about lactose intolerance at that point. I made sure to draw an illustration next to my notes for memories' sake.

Raging diarrhea is not fun. BUT, this past week has not been so bad. Not one day of diarrhea, just a few burps here and there. I think this experiment may be a success.
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