Tuesday, October 19, 2010


An update on life: Ah yes, so I survived my first set of pharmacy midterms and it was amazing. No straight A's but I'm trying my best. I've had lots of ideas for comics but I haven't had time to transcribe them down. My friend Stacey from Georgia came out to visit me and friends during her fall break. Participated in a diabetes walk around the same time. Had a military full physical and that was an uncomfortable and new experience haha. Participated in a health fair where I consulted people on OTC drugs - so exciting! Oh, I also saw Maroon 5, One Republic, and Bruno Mars in concert at the Arco Arena last Friday. They were pretty much amazing. Afterwards, chillaxed with my favorite socal Egyptian brothers, ate homemade koshouri and watched Sing'n in the Rain. Those are some highlights of the past two weeks minus a lot. El7aya kwaysa! (that's "life is good" in Arabic)

I've had so many thoughts running through my head and I want to write them down! Mainly on ethnicity, fears, my lovely roommates, and vivid dreams. I'll get to it within the next few days hopefully.

Currently in Mariham's room doing some review for biochem. She's painting a big ole icon of Saint Demiana. It's really beautiful. I'm going to start up painting again this Thursday.

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