Friday, June 04, 2010

007 Wisdom

Went to the dentist's today to get my annual check-up. Fortunately, no cavities and my teeth are in good shape. However, my lower wisdom teeth are slowly growing at a slight angle which might impact my precious pearls.

Why are wisdom teeth called "wisdom teeth"? I asked my dentist and she told me to look it up haha

According to Dr. Florine, these third molars "...usually erupt in the late teen years, which coincides with passage into adulthood and is referred to by some as the age of wisdom; hence 'wisdom teeth'".

I'm 21 now and I have seen a lot of people my age do dumbass things, myself included. It makes me wonder that the standards at which this time was dubbed "the age of wisdom" must have been much higher than it is today.

Speaking of wisdom...though I am no King Solomon, I've been blessed to receive a few pearls of wisdom myself.

I cannot change people: I cannot make you stop cutting yourself. I cannot make you believe I am still your friend when you push me and everyone away. I cannot make you less immature, cowardly, or selfish. I cannot control what you do but I can control what I do. As much as I want the best for you, it is ultimately your choice to be the change you want to be, for better or for worse.

Forgiveness: Gaining the ability to forgive is no easy feat. In fact, forgiveness is not a one time choice and you may spend your entire life forgiving to settle the matter in your heart. It is better to be free from anger, sadness, and pain through forgiveness than to live a life filled with spite and bitterness. Also, forgiveness does not deny responsibility of behavior so if the one who hurt you continues to be a dumbass, it's ok, let it be and simply love them haha.

I cannot rely on my own strength: Human strength can only go so far until we collapse under the weight of all our burdens and responsibilities. When you rely on your own reservoir of strength, what happens when this resource runs out? Or if we place our strength in someone and they fail us? We are helpless, weak, and vulnerable just like how we came out of the womb. I feel that it is important to put our strength in a higher power that is unlimited, ever-flowing, and never-failing. For some that may be an idea, deity, etc.

The latter part of this entry pretty much sums up the major lessons I have learned within the past 5 years. Thanks Steve, Jasmine, Joline, and Mike.

1 comment:

Jasmine K. said...

Cause I like the number 7. :] It's good to read your thoughts and such. Even though we do dumb stuff throughout our life, I think we have made wise decisions as well. Here's to more challenges and lessons the upcoming years!